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Mixed Rose Bouquets

Roses are classic, timeless and loved by all. With our mixed roses, you get the beauty and meaning each rose offers in one gorgeous bouquet.

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Mixed Rose Bouquet from FTD

Our mixed rose bouquets are full of life and filled with color. Roses are one of the most loved flowers around the world, so it’s no wonder this beautiful bloom has become a bouquet staple. Roses also come in a multitude of colors naturally, like pink, red, orange and yellow, making it one of the most diverse flowers. If you don’t see your favorite color in gorgeous roses, you can dye roses to almost any color of the rainbow. With our variety of roses, there are plenty of options to choose from for whatever reason!

Mixed Roses Gifts

Roses are gorgeous because they effortlessly complement other flowers. From daisies to lilies, the textures in each flower are delicately accented by the sweet petals in roses. They add elegance to any vase with their long-lasting blooms. Also like many flowers, roses initially arrive smaller, only to open up beautifully once placed in the vase. It not only allows the bud to last longer when in the vase, but it makes it enjoyable to watch the flowers transform each day. Just be sure to follow the care card that comes with each bouquet! As similar to most flowers, each color of roses shares a different meaning. Red roses commonly are associated with passion and love, while yellow roses are a symbol of friendship. Pink roses symbolize admiration and sweetness, while white roses share messages of purity and innocence. The perfect way to tailor your bouquet is by combining rose colors that share unique meanings and messages. For example, if you want to treat your friend, pick a mixed rose arrangement that is made up of yellow, pink and peach roses. If you are delighting a significant other, red and white rose may seem most appropriate. Or, pick a bouquet that has all of their favorite colors in it to truly delight them!

The FTD Difference for Mixed Roses

When you’re shopping for mixed roses online, FTD is the go to shop for flowers that stand above the rest. Our collections are sourced right from the far, so we can promise that they are fresh, high quality and beautiful! We are the perfect choice for getting mixed roses delivered, because we take extra steps to make sure that each bouquet is perfectly picked and designed to delight. Our network of florist’s hand design and deliver our mixed roses bouquets, so each gift is beautifully unique for you or your recipient.