Red and White Roses
Red and white rose bouquets make a beautiful statement for occasions like just because, romance, or to share your sympathies with a loved one. When shopping for your roses online, our florists deliver blooms that will make a lasting impression long after they arrive.
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How to Pick Red & White Roses
With so many options and arrangements of red and white roses available for sale, we wanted to provide a few simple tips to help you choose between romantic rose combinations and remembrance arrangements.
Red and White Roses for Romance
If you’re looking for a timeless and powerful romantic gesture, you can’t find a more fitting statement of love than the stunning red and white rose bouquet. Historically, the red rose has been used for centuries to symbolize love, and the white rose has stood for purity. Placing both red and white roses together symbolizes devotion and lasting unity of a one-of-a-kind love. Ideal romantic bouquets of this color combination often feature the elegant long-stemmed variety of the red and white rose. Often, babies' breath may surround red roses within a red vase or sleek glass vase.
Red and White Roses Delivered for Remembrance
While some arrangements may stand out to you based on your connection with your loved one, there are specific design details you can use to note the difference between remembrance rose arrangements and roses meant for a romantic partner. Remembrance roses are sent in sympathy while someone is going through times of sensitivity and can be sent to a funeral home, as decoration during a wake, or to a memorial site. Red and white roses convey sympathy and tend to be arranged with other flowers in a woven basket, a simple urn, or what is known as a standing spray. Red and white rose arrangements designed to express condolences and sympathy often have a hint of their purpose in their name. Rose arrangements with words like condolences, memoriam, or peace may signify that rose arrangement is intended for sympathy.