Shop By Occasion

Every month of the year is full of celebratory events and occasions, including birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and more. One surefire way to help celebrate any of these occasions is by sending a flower delivery online! That’s where FTD comes in! We really have the right selection of bouquets, gift baskets, and plants for any situation, even when you want to give a gift just because. So, browse our collections of gift options by occasion and find the right choice for your recipient.

Birthday Brights Bouquet
Simple Charm Bouquet
Parisian Stroll Bouquet

Choose Your Occasion

Here at FTD, we believe in convenience. It’s one of the many reasons we’ve been a leader in flower and gift-giving for over 110 years! Since our humble beginnings, we have always been dedicated to helping you send the right gift to any of your loved ones, both near or far. That’s why today we allow you to shop by occasion so you can easily find the right flowers, gifts, or plants for your recipient. We want you to have an easy time finding the right gift, so you can save your effort and feel good knowing your recipient will love whatever’s delivered to their door. So, whether you need New Baby gifts delivered in time for the due date, or are scrambling to send anniversary flowers to your love, FTD has you covered.

Shop Flowers & Gifts for Every Moment

Order for Any Occasion Today

FTD makes the gift-giving process as simple as can be. Shop by the right occasion, input your recipient’s ZIP code and expected delivery date, then browse all of our available flowers, plants, and gifts, and choose the right one for them! Oh, and don’t forget to add a note that tells your recipient how much they mean to you! Yes, it really is that easy to make someone’s day. Shop with FTD and send something amazing. You can even get same day flower delivery if you place your order in time!