Best Day Box Bouquet

Who knew their best day could be delivered in a box? We did, with the help of a local florist to handcraft one of the most popular bouquets celebrating any occasion.


  • The Deluxe Bouquet is approximately 11"H x 12"W.
  • Designed by florists, ready to display.
  • For long–lasting blooms, replace the water daily. We suggest trimming the stems every couple days.
  • Pet Safety Precautions: This bouquet or plant may include flowers and foliage that are known to be toxic to pets. To keep them safe, be sure to keep this arrangement out of your pet's reach.

Bloom Details

  • Lily
  • Rose
  • Snapdragon
  • Sunflower


This item will be delivered by a local florist, and delivery charges start as low as $19.99. We provide a 7-day fresh flower guarantee. See

To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, our florists may replace some stems in your arrangement which could differ in color and variety. See


Best Day Box Bouquet

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Dec 24th, 2022
Review for Best Day Box Bouquet - Deluxe
"I found the perfect arrangement and my Mom received her surprise Birthday flowers!! "

thumbs up I recommend this product
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Verified Buyer
Feb 17th, 2023
Review for Best Day Box Bouquet - Deluxe
"A great experience. Flowers are lovely and we're delivered in a timely manner."

thumbs up I recommend this product
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Verified Buyer
Feb 19th, 2023
Loved it!!!! Thank you!
Review for Best Day Box Bouquet - Premium
"We had sent this to our granddaughter who had surgery. We had asked that the balloon bd Mylar! It was perfect! She us only 2 1/2 but Mama loved flowers too!"

thumbs up I recommend this product
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