Birthday Cheer

Coral roses, yellow spray roses, hot pink gerbera daisies, white traditional daisies, solidago and lush greens are perfectly arranged in a classic clear glass vase tied with pink satin and green chenille ribbons. Arriving with a mylar balloon exclaiming, Happy Birthday, this bouquet will add to the warmth and happiness of their birthday festivities. Arranged and deliverd by a local florist in Dominican Republic.

International Delivery

Next-Day Delivery to outside the US and Canada by a local florist is available on international orders if placed by 2p.m. Eastern Time and as allowed by the delivery date selection calendar.

Substitution Policy

Substitutions may be necessary to ensure your arrangement or specialty gift is delivered in a timely manner and depending on availability. The utmost care and attention is given to your order to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item.

ITEM: #D4-4902DO

Birthday Cheer

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