Lavender Fields Mixed Flower Bouquet
Picked fresh from the farm to offer your special recipient a bouquet blooming with a sweet appeal, the Lavender Fields Mixed Flower Bouquet is set to send your warmest greetings to friends and family near and far. Hand gathered in select floral farms and boasting a soft array of enchanting colors, including lavender, purple and white, this gorgeous flower arrangement has been picked fresh for you to help you celebrate a birthday, or express your thank you or get well wishes.
- Approximately 16"H x 15"W, featuring approximately 20 stems of florals and foliage.
- May arrive in bud stage.
- A clear glass vase is included.
- This bouquet comes with floral food and care instructions, packed carefully within a gift box.
- Free personalized gift message.
Bloom Details
- Daisy
- Lavender
- Lily
- Mixed
Your fresh from the farm flowers are inspected and shipped in a gift box. Delivery charges start as low as $19.99, and we provide a 7-day fresh flower guarantee. See
We may occasionally need to substitute for color or flower variety. See
ITEM: #FK1060
Lavender Fields Mixed Flower Bouquet