Peace Lily Plant

Peace lilies are a popular plant for many reasons. If you're a brand new plant parent, these plants both purify the air and are notoriously easy to care for. If you're gifting one to a loved one, they share a message fit for many occasions.


  • This plant is approximately 16-20" tall.
  • Comes in a woven basket planter.
  • Care Tips: Place your peace lily in full sun to partial shade. Be sure to rotate the plant once or twice a week to promote even growth. Water your peace lily about once a week when the soil is dry to the touch.
  • This plant is best suited for indoor growing.
  • This plant may arrive in bud form ready to bloom soon after arrival.


Your fresh from the farm plant is inspected and shipped in a gift box. Delivery charges start as low as $19.99 and we provide a 14-day lush plant guarantee. See

We may occasionally need to substitute for color or flower variety. See

ITEM: #P4102

Peace Lily Plant

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