Spring Tradition - A Florist Original

Celebrate new life with fresh spring colors and seasonal flowers. Our Florist Originals Bouquets are created by local florists using the finest quality flowers. The actual design you or your recipient will receive will be different from the images shown here.

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This item will be delivered by a local florist, and delivery charges start as low as $19.99. We provide a 7-day fresh flower guarantee. See

The photos here are examples of our florist original style. The exact design and flowers in your custom bouquet will vary based on availability and the florist’s interpretation of this arrangement. See


Spring Tradition - A Florist Original

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Verified Buyer
May 4th, 2023
Beautiful bouquet!
Review for Pastel Traditions - A Florist Original - Deluxe
"Sent this to a good friend who’s in the hospital for her birthday. She loved it. "

thumbs up I recommend this product
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Verified Buyer
May 23rd, 2023
Most gorgeous Mother's Day flowers...ever!
Review for Pastel Traditions - A Florist Original - Deluxe
"It took a year or two, but FTD finally started delivering beautiful flowers for my mom on Mothers Day. This makes me so happy, that I am proud, now, to be a FTD customer."

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Verified Buyer
May 23rd, 2023
Flowers still thriving after 2 weeks!
Review for Pastel Traditions - A Florist Original - Standard
"I had ordered flowers from another company and they sent my mom dead flowers for Mothers Day. I ordered immediately from FTD and the next day my mom had a beautiful bouquet at her door. And after 2 weeks, the flowers are still blooming and thriving. Totally recommend this company, especially when you want flowers delivered from out of state. The included pic is the flowers 2 weeks after delivery. "
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Verified Buyer
May 24th, 2023
Beautiful Flowers
Review for Pastel Traditions - A Florist Original - Standard
"The flowers arrived on the date requested. The flower arrangement was beautiful."

thumbs up I recommend this product
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Verified Buyer
May 24th, 2023
Review for Pastel Traditions - A Florist Original - Standard
"I was a little worried about the arrangement! Do to the fact that I didn’t see it before they delivered it. But it turn out so elegant and beautiful! Wayne my sale rep was right ! It was precious!!! "

thumbs up I recommend this product
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