A Handcrafted Christmas

A Handcrafted Christmas

As soon as Thanksgiving is over we start preparing for Christmas, and along with cookie baking, present wrapping and Christmas shopping we somehow have to squeeze in decorating. While it can be one of the best tasks for getting into the Christmas spirit, it can also be daunting trying to give your home that perfect Christmas feel. At FTD we wanted to inspire some of our favorite décor and design bloggers to add a handcrafted touch to their Christmas tree this year, using FTD flowers, and what they came up with was truly amazing:

A Handcrafted Christmas

Shannon at Eat Sleep Make bought a small rosemary tree and filled it with roses and other flowers to make a beautiful mini Christmas tree. Shannon encouraged her readers to, “step out of your floral comfort zone and play with different ways of displaying your favorite flowers.” We think she did a great job doing just that.

A Handcrafted Christmas

Over at Restyling Home, Kelly named herself the “craft queen of Christmas” and after seeing her mini Christmas tree we would have to agree with her. Kelly used purple ornaments, garland, and ribbon on her tree, but her purple and white flowers were meant to be the main focus, and they certainly stood out.

A Handcrafted Christmas

An elegant coastal themed Christmas tree is just what Diane wanted this Christmas, but since she didn’t have access to most of her Christmas decorations, she had had to get creative and crafty. Using her DIY skills she made seashell and message in a bottle ornaments and then completed her tree with coastal colored flowers. Read more about the making of her tree at An Extraordinary Day.

A Handcrafted Christmas

At Twin Stripe, Katie topped off her beautiful tree with traditional red and green orchids. Katie said she put the orchids in flower tubes to keep them fresh and then attached them to the tree with fishing line.

A Handcrafted Christmas

Cindy turned her Christmas tree into a DIY masterpiece, filling it with ornament vases complete with red roses. She decorated all the ornaments herself using glitter glue and ribbon, and transformed them into vases by removing the cap of each ornament and wrapping wire around the top for hanging.

A Handcrafted Christmas

Jen stayed true to the name of her blog, Craft-O-Maniac, by decorating a beautiful gold and sparkly Christmas tree to sit in her front room and be admired by all through the window. As a finishing touch, she added white roses to the top of her tree to give to give it a fresher and fuller look.

A Handcrafted Christmas

Chrissy took her hand crafted Christmas to a whole other level, not only using red and green orchids to accent her tree, but also making six different types ornaments to decorate with as well.

Next year if you are struggling to find a way to make your Christmas decorations unique try incorporating some fresh flowers for a new and distinctive touch.
