Boss’s Day Guide & Gift Ideas: Our Guide To Celebrating Your Boss

Boss’s Day Guide & Gift Ideas: Our Guide To Celebrating Your Boss

“What exactly is Boss’s Day?” We hear this question quite a bit, even around this office.  So we have set out to answer this question and give some tips on what to do for your own boss.

Defining Boss’s Day: What is Boss’s Day

Boss’s Day is a day for employees to show your appreciation and give thanks to their bosses for all the good things that they have done throughout the year. It is celebrated all around the world on October 16 by exchanging flowers, gifts, and candy. Boss’s Day always falls on October 16th unless that day is either Saturday or Sunday.  Generally, if October 16th falls on Saturday, Boss’s Day is celebrated on Friday, and if it falls on Sunday, then it is celebrated on Monday.

FTD is taking it one step further this year and is giving our bosses the entire week! Celebrate bosses’ week this year from October 12th-18th.

Defining a Good Boss

Does your boss have what it takes to be a great boss? According to Melanie Joy, a Monster Contributing Writer, a great boss does the following:

1) Sets clear expectations.

A great boss identifies priorities and entrusts employees to get work done how they see fit. Rather than telling someone how to do something they allow their employees to work through their own processes.

2) Gives feedback.

Regular scheduled feedback lets employees know what they are doing well and what they may need to work on. This also creates a more positive relationship between boss and employee.

3) Recognizes efforts.

Positive reinforcement shows employees they are appreciated. A great boss recognizes positive efforts which reinforces high quality performance.

4) Finds each person’s unique talents.

A great boss takes advantage of what each employee does best. This leads employees feeling confident about their work and talents and benefits both parties.

5) Is open and truthful.

A good boss is aware of the importance of communication. Sharing their opinions and providing employees with important information is helpful for directing employees in the right direction.

Appreciating Your Boss Gift Guide and Ideas

Show your boss your appreciation with FTD’s wide selection of flowers and gifts. Shop an entire collection created for celebrating your boss or visit for more Bosses Day gift ideas.
