Celebrate National Garden Month in April

Celebrate National Garden Month in April

This winter has definitely exceeded its expectations with the amount of snowfall and low temperatures that have dispersed throughout even some of the warmer areas across the country. Whereas some of us can appreciate being snowed in while enjoying a cup of hot cocoa as we gaze out the window at the winter wonderland before us, many of us are dreaming of warmer temps and greener pastures.

Thankfully, Spring is right around the corner, with National Garden Month right at its heels during the entire month of April. It’s the perfect month to enjoy the warmer temperatures, start planting your garden, and leave Old Man Winter behind for another year. 

History of National Garden Month?

How exactly did National Garden Month come to be? Back in the 1980’s the National Garden Bureau worked with other national horticultural organizations to lobby for a National Garden Week to promote the endeavor of gardening. The official week was approved by President Reagan in 1986, with the first National Garden Week celebrated April 12-16, 1987. Fast forward to 2002, when The National Gardening Association asserted that they wanted the entire month of April to be recognized as National Garden Month. The first official National Garden Month was celebrated in April of  2003, and the United States has been celebrating it ever since! That will make April 2021 the 19th annual National Garden Month.

What is National Garden Month?

So what is National Garden Month all about? Organizations like the National Garden Association and National Garden Bureau that wanted to highlight the art of gardening with the month-long celebration knew the positive impacts that gardening brings to so many aspects of life. National Garden Month isn’t just about planting flowers in your own backyard, although that is definitely one place to start. National Garden Month is also about educating the entire community about the various ways gardening can bring health, well-being, and joy into our lives. National Garden Month focuses on teaching about the importance of sustainable planting, learning about different flowers, produce, and herbs, offering community building and outreach opportunities, outdoor therapy, and so much more. Plus, let’s not forget about the sheer beauty of a garden filled with your favorite, colorful flowers.

Join In National Garden Month Festivities

There are a wide variety of ways you can celebrate National Garden Month either on your own or within the community. Check out your local garden centers, farmers markets, arboretums, park districts, townships, and local garden clubs and plant retailers to see what kinds of  National Garden Month activities they’ll be hosting. Throughout the month of April, they’re sure to be hosting a multitude of events featuring gardening activities such as learning seminars, plant swaps and sales, and garden planning demonstrations. Take advantage of all the free and fascinating seminars and plant sales that are sure to be going on throughout your community during the month of April. Here are some fun ways you can celebrate National Garden Month this April 2021:

  • Purchase flowers and seeds from your local farmers’ market. Support the experts in your community and get first hand advice on the right plants for your garden. Whether you want to start from scratch with local seeds or young plants to create springtime bouquets, local farms and garden centers can get you started.

  • Plant an herb garden. Plant a plethora of your favorite herbs and you’ll have them on hand all year long to add fresh flavor to all of your meals.

  • Plant flowers that attract birds and butterflies. There are certain flowers whose nectar attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Do a little research to find which ones will work in your garden and get ready for your garden to become a magical community of wildlife.

  • Plant a vegetable garden. Become your own mini-farmer and enjoy your favorite veggies from your own backyard all summer long.

  • Create a compost pile. Section off an outdoor area for discarded plant material that can be used as a natural fertilizer for your garden. You’ll reduce landfill waste and keep harsh chemicals out of your garden.

  • Decorate and set up a rain barrel. Practice water conservation in a fun way with a decorative rain barrel that can catch rainwater and gutter runoff. Use that water to nurture your freshly planted garden

No matter how you choose to celebrate National Garden Month this April, embrace the joy of the warmer weather and the wonder of watching the world bloom to life.
