6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

When it comes to gift giving, it’s usually the smallest details that end up making the biggest impression. For many, picking out the perfect gift with enough meaning can be time-consuming, stressful, and sometimes costly. A great way to bypass the previously mentioned hurdles is to take something they love and add a customized twist!

According to a recent study by The Wine Institute, 949 million gallons of wine were consumed by Americans in 2016. Celebrating a new home, a happy union or a birthday are just a few of the many special occasions to raise a glass to. For your next celebration, personalize a bottle of wine with a special message with one of these printable wine bottle labels. Whether you love a good joke or a sweet sentimental message, there are plenty of options to get your point across.

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

To apply your favorite wine bottle label, follow these simple directions below:

  1. Remove the original wine label by soaking the lower half of the bottle in a bowl of room temperature water with about 5-10 tablespoons of baking soda.

  2. After 30 minutes, remove the bottle from the water and wipe the label off with a dry towel.

  3. Download your favorite design and print on glossy paper at home or at your local printing shop.

  4. Attach the label to the bottle of vino with double-sided sticky tape and voila! You have the perfect gift to help your loved one celebrate a special milestone.

Check out our selection of printable wine bottle labels below for several occasions worth raising a glass to!

Wedding Wine Bottle Labels

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

From that first step down the aisle to the fifth anniversary, the progression of a marriage can be a series of memorable twists and turns. Gift them their favorite wine with this label to remind them that the best is yet to come!

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

Housewarming Wine Bottle Labels

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

After the boxes are unpacked and everything is put away, encourage the new homeowners to sit back and relax with a glass in hand. Whether it’s their first house or a move to a bigger space, make it that much sweeter with a personalized message showing your support.

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

Birthday Wine Bottle Labels

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

Give your friend or loved one something to sip on as they get just a little bit older! Whether they prefer red or white, wish them a wonderful day with a special birthday message! Pair a custom labeled bottle with a big bouquet to really brighten their big day!

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

Party Wine Bottle Labels

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

From a big promotion to a life changing decision, be the life of the party with this fun printable wine bottle label! This new twist on a classic saying is a great way to set the mood and to get a party started.

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

Gift For Friend Wine Bottle Labels

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

Give your friend the gift of wine as a reminder of how special they are! Wrap their favorite bottle in a custom bottle label that celebrates your friendship! Nothing goes better with good conversation and lots of laughter than a full glass!

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

Family Dinner Wine Bottle Labels

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

Make the most out of your time together! This label is a great way of celebrating the perfect combination that is wine and family time. Great as a gift for a family member or a nice contribution to a family function, this label reminds us that being with family makes any situation better.

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

Considered one of the oldest beverages in the world, wine has been enjoyed at a variety of special occasions throughout the years. From weddings to a quiet night in, wine is an internationally popular beverage that holds a place in the hearts (and kitchens!) of many.

6 Printable Wine Bottle Labels for Special Occasions

Whether you prefer a toasty red, a crisp white, or a sweet, sparkling wine, there’s something for everyone to enjoy! The next time you are searching for the perfect bottle for a casual celebration or a glitzy gathering, take a few extra steps to personalize it with one of these printable wine bottle labels that is sure to impress!

Sources: The Wine Institute
