50 Types of Purple Flowers

50 Types of Purple Flowers

Purple is a common choice of flower due to its variety of hues and calming effect on a space. It can range from light lavenders and lilacs to more vibrant violets and magentas. Add lavender to your bathroom decor to create a soothing retreat or include foxgloves in a bouquet to create a dynamic look. No matter your space, purple flowers will add a royally elegant touch!

Purple Flowers for Fall

As the temperatures and the days get shorter, purple flowers are popping up to brighten up your day! Try putting a vase of them on the table to contrast your pumpkin soup or include them in a wedding bouquet for a pastel palette.

50 Types of Purple Flowers

China Aster (Callistephus chinensis) – The word aster is Greek for “star” which refers to its star-shaped blossoms. China aster also goes by the name of annual aster. It has a sturdy stem and is long-lasting, making it good for bouquets. The China aster represents patience, elegance, and daintiness.

Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) – Cosmos feature petals that are symmetrically aligned, earning them the Greek name for “ordered universe.” Cosmos symbolize peace, order, and modesty. They are the birth flower of October and are also given to celebrate a second wedding anniversary.

Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurea) – Often confused with a daisy, these flowers do well in warm climates. They have a distinct orange center that attracts butterflies and songbirds. The coneflower symbolizes strength and healing. For a special touch, add the flowers to a gift basket for someone who is ill.

Italian Aster (Aster amellus) – The name of this flower is derived from the Greek word for “star.” This is due to their star shape and habit of growing with the distance between one another, like stars in the sky. The aster is a symbol of dantiness and peace.

Pansy (Viola wittrockiana) – The pansy also goes by the name of pansy violet, Johnny jump-up, and heartsease. The pansy gets its name from the french word “penser” which means “to think.” Because of this, the pansy is a symbol of free thinking and being considerate.

Purple Flowers for Winter

Despite the icy grounds and darker days, purple flowers still manage to bloom and add some color to your winterGift them along with presents for the holiday season or create a bouquet to decorate your mantle.

50 Types of Purple Flowers

Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) – Named after its resemblance to a monk’s habit or hood, monkshood has a tall stem with vibrant purple flowers. It is also known as wolfsbane, devil’s helmet, blue rocket and friar’s cap. It is often found in woods or areas with moist soil. Historically, the plant has been used as a poison, so it is known as a sign of danger.

Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) – A popular house plant, cyclamen have stacked layers of purple petals. Folklore states that women would wear cyclamen around their neck during labor to speed up delivery. The cyclamen plant represents resignation or goodbyes.

Crocus (Crocus vernus) – The crocus plant finds its way through the cold ground to reveal a burst of purple. The flower is identified by its cup shape. The crocus flower symbolizes cheerfulness, youthfulness and innocence.

Waxflower (Chamelaucium) – Waxflowers are native to Australia but have become more popular throughout the floral industry in recent years. They have tiny purple blooms and are used as filler flowers in a bouquet. Being a winter flower, they can be spotted in Christmas arrangements.

Purple Flowers for Spring

Embrace spring by bringing the freshly flowering purple hues into your home. Add purple flowers to your entryway so that guests feel calm and welcome upon entry. Try planting these flowers in your garden so when spring comes you can venture outdoors and have a picnic among the new blooms.

50 Types of Purple Flowers

Verbena (Verbena bonariensis) – Purple verbena flowers can be found blooming in clusters of vivid color. It is drought tolerant (meaning it will thrive in almost any garden) and it attracts butterflies. Verbena is known for its healing properties, able to soothe earaches and gum disease. The verbena plant symbolizes healing, creativity, and happiness.

Clematis (Clematis) – Clematis are climbing plants known for their visually enticing flowers. They are named after the Greek word “klematis,” which means vine. Clematis flowers are used solely for decorative purposes and are toxic to consume. They are a sign of cleverness and beautiful brilliance. This a gift that’s traditionally given after eight years of marriage, on your anniversary.

Bellflower (Campanula) – Also known as campanula, bellflowers are star-shaped blooms that come in a variety of purple hues. Bellflowers are often used as ground flowers and dividers in gardens. Bellflowers are a symbol of affection, constancy and everlasting love.

Dwarf Iris (Iris Reticulata) – A variation of the Iris genus, the dwarf irises are a smaller but widely known flower. They can be identified by their deep purple petals and bright yellow center. They are planted in gardens and used in bouquets. The dwarf iris symbolizes faith, hope, and wisdom.

Catmint (Nepeta) – Also known as catnip, catmint is an herb that consists of long violet flowering spikes. It attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, making it a popular choice for gardens. It’s often paired with roses and used as a replacement for lavender when growing conditions are tough. Catmint symbolizes love, beauty, and happiness.

Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) – Known as ‘the daughter of the wind” this wildflower opens up with the help of the wind. In Greek mythology, it’s said that the anemone grew from Aphrodite’s tears. They represent anticipation, good luck, and protection.

Wild Indigo (Baptisia australis) – Wild indigo is a member of the pea family and a relatively easy plant to grow. The stalks grow up to 4 feet tall. Indigo is a popular choice for wedding bouquets for weddings with a lavender color scheme.

Blue-Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium montanum) – Contrary to its name, blue-eyed grass produces clusters of tiny purple flowers with a bright yellow center. It is a plant that’s easy to grow and spreads quickly if not tended to.

Wild Hyacinth (Dichelostemma capitatum) – Native to California, the wild hyacinth is a drought tolerant plant that thrives in meadows across the state. It is great for gardens, attracting bees and requiring very little attention. The flower symbolizes sport or play and constancy.

Candytuft (Iberis pruitii) – Native to Europe, candytuft gets its name from the Olde English name of the island of Crete — Candie. Its pink and lilac hues also resemble cotton candy. Candytuft symbolizes indifference. It is found in gardens as well as bouquets.

Columbine (Aquilegia) – Columbine flowers have dark green foliage and bell-shaped flowers that come in a variety of pastels, including purple. The purple flower symbolizes foolishness and innocence.

Fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica) – Fuchsia is a very distinct and exotic looking flower. It is two-toned, with layered petals that hang from their bush. Due to this downward growth, they can typically be found in hanging baskets. The plant has a romantic symbolism and makes for a meaningful gift.

Geranium (Geranium) – Also known as cranesbill, geraniums are popular garden plants. They come in a wide variety of colors, purple being a popular choice. Geraniums symbolize feminine health, fertility, love, and protection.

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) – Lilac produces small purple flowers that grow in dense clumps on the bush. It symbolizes rebirth and is often associated with Easter. Lilacs have a fragrant scent and are often found in gardens and decorative bouquets.

Rhododendron (Rhododendron) – A member of the rhododendron family, daphnoides rhododendron have large purple blooms. A springtime flower, they produce a bell-shaped bloom and a unique fragrance. They are given as gifts to represent protection.

Scabiosa (Scabiosa) – Also known as the pincushion flower, scabiosa can be found in blue, violet, and purple hues. The Romans used the flower to treat skin diseases like scabies, which is where its name originated. Despite this, it is a symbol of pure love when given.

Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) – The wisteria plant produces lavender colored flowers that hang from a vine. It is a member of the pea family and originated in Asia. The wisteria plant is often grown on arbors or from hanging pots. It is a symbol of beauty, fertility, and love.

Purple Flowers for Summer

Whether you’re relaxing by the pool or hiding from the heat in an air-conditioned house, you can enjoy the purple flowers that are popping up this season. Plant varieties that attract butterflies in your garden or create a bouquet to put on the dinner table as decor.

50 Types of Purple Flowers

Lavender (Lavandula) – Lavender is one of the most recognizable purple flowers. It’s fragrant and calming scent is used in beauty and bath products like lotion and soap. It’s also commonly found in cooking. Lavender symbolizes devotion. The plant itself can be given as a gift or its flowers can be included in a wrapped present for an extra special touch.

Balloon Flower (Platycodon)  The balloon flower, also known as a Chinese bellflower, is named for its appearance. Before the star-shaped flowers bloom they take a purple balloon shape. They are known for blooming all summer long. The flowers are used to flavor Japanese sake and utilized in Chinese medicine. The balloon flower is a symbol of unwavering love, obedience, and honesty.

Salvia (Salvia) – Similar in looks to a lavender stalk, salvia has similar purple coloring but lacks the scent. The plant, also known as sage, is said to have hallucinogenic properties and is known for being used in Oaxaca, Mexico for religious and healing practices. It is also used as a remedy for sore throats, eczema, bad breath, and dandruff. Due to this, salvia is a symbol of healing.

Allium (Allium) – The flowers of allium grow in a unique globe shape that makes them easily recognizable. Latin for “garlic,” these flowers have a distinctive garlic or onion scent. Allium is commonly used in bouquets, adding dimension to the arrangement. It represents unity, good fortune, and prosperity.

Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus) – The sweet pea is known for its bright coloring and unique petals. They have a subtle fragrance and are known as a climbing plant. The sweet pea plant is long-lasting, even after being clipped, which makes it a popular gift. The purple flowers are a symbol of good fortune.

Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus orientalis) – Lily of the Nile, also known as agapanthus, are native to South Africa. Its globe-like shape consists of smaller flowers that range from blue to violet. Lily of the Nile is known as both medicinal and magical. These flowers represent love, fertility, and childbirth. They are often given to new mothers.

Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera) – Properly named, the bee orchid looks like it has a bee coming out of its purple petals. Its scientific name is ophrys apifera. The plant is self-pollinating and is easily spread through its thousands of tiny seeds.

Bell Heather (Erica cinerea) – Bell heather is a shrub that grows low to the ground. The flowers have a uniquely dry texture. Queen Victoria made this bloom popular in England and introduced its symbolism of good luck in Scottish tales. Heather also represents admiration and protection.

Sea Holly (Eryngium) – Also known as sea thistle, sea holly has grown in popularity over the years, now used in bouquets to add texture. Its purple globe-shaped blooms are surrounded by spiky petals. Sea holly symbolizes attraction and is often used in wedding bouquets.

Calla Lily (Zantedeschia) – Calla lilies are funnel-shaped flowers that come in many colors, purple being a popular choice. The flower is named after the Greek word calla, meaning beautiful. Purple calla lilies represent charm and passion and should be given to a person you feel strongly about.

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) – The foxglove flower is made up of tubular petals. It is best known for its medicinal use, specifically helping aid in healthy heart function. The foxglove flower symbolizes both the negative attribute of insincerity and a positive connotation of youth.

Gladiolus (Gladiolus hortulanus) – Gladiolus flowers are known for their height, growing as tall as sunflowers. The gladiolus flower symbolizes integrity, calmness, and infatuation. It is planted in gardens or cut for bouquets. They are often given for anniversaries or for Valentine’s Day.

Heliotrope (Heliotropium peruvianum) – Heliotrope blooms are small star shapes that grow in clusters. They come in white, lavender, and deep purple. The flowers are poisonous to both humans and pets so should not be grown in a place that could be a danger. Heliotrope symbolizes eternal life, healing, and wealth.

Honesty (Lunaria annua) – Honesty is known for its bright and fragrant blooms. Its flowers have four teardrop-shaped petals and grow in clusters. The seeds are contained in a unique translucent pod. Due to this, it is sometimes called silver dollar or pope’s coin.

Liatris (Liatris) – Also known as blazing star, the Liatris has tall, fluffy flowers that bloom a fuchsia color. The flowers bloom from the top down, making for a unique look. This flower is used in bouquets to add height and texture.

Lupine (Lupinus) – The name “lupinus” means “of wolves.” This refers to an ancient belief that the flower stole nutrients from the land. The purple flower is a symbol of imagination. It is used in bouquets or grown in gardens for the Karner Blue caterpillar to feed on.

Lisianthus (Eustoma Grandiflorum) – The lisianthus flower is also known as a Texas bluebell or prairie gentian and is considered a newer genus. Similar in style to the rose, lisianthus are often used in wedding bouquets. They are said to symbolize rising above your surroundings due to their ability to grow in difficult places.

Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea) – Morning glories are known for their delicate cone-shaped flowers and ability to wind their vines around trellises and fences. In addition to being planted in the garden, they are used as garnishes in the culinary field. The morning glory represents affection.

Hollyhock (Alcea rosea) – Also known by the name of mystic merlin, the hollyhock is native to southwest and central Asia. The name comes from the old English phrase meaning “holy flower.” The hollyhock flower represents fertility and abundance.

Petunia (Petunia) – These flowers come in a variety of colors, including a deep purple. They grow in clumps close to the ground, making them popular in gardens. Although petunias can represent anger and resentment, when given as a gift the purple variety also symbolizes enchantment, charm, and fantasy.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) – The name hydrangea comes from the words “hydro” and “angeion” which means water vessel in Greek. This is because they are known for being grown in moist locations and are good for holding water. Hydrangeas are popular in weddings and symbolize gratitude and emotion.

Zinnia (Zinnia) – The zinnia flower comes in a deep purple (known as the purple prince zinnia) as well as other color variations. They are named after the German botanist, Johann Gottfried Zinn. They are able to resist harsh climates, making them a popular garden plant. The zinnia symbolizes transformation.

Blackcurrant Swirl Moonflower (Datura) – Also known as datura, this moonflower grows on a vine and opens in the late afternoon, showing off its delicate, heart-shaped, lavender petals. Moonflowers represent mystery, like that of the moon and stars.

Dianthus (Dianthus Spp) – Also known as sweet william, the dianthus is a fragrant flower that has hints of cinnamon or cloves. These flowers commonly bloom in pinks and purples. Dianthus is a member of the carnation family, the purple ones meaning having a selfish nature.

Purple flowers have the ability to add an elegant touch to any venue. Fill your events with violet and deep magenta flowers for a regal presence or calming impact. No matter the occasion, you’ll be sure to find the perfect fit. A purple flower bouquet will always make a statement.


The Old Farmer’s Almanac | Flower Info | Flower Bud | Flower Meanings
