15 Daily Things To Do For A Happier Home

15 Daily Things To Do For A Happier Home

Happiness is difficult to put your finger on. It’s a combination of your overall satisfaction with your life as well as your feelings about your current state. One of the best ways to cultivate a happy life is to create a happy home. Your home should be a haven that you retreat to every day for restoration. Instead, many people feel anxious and unsatisfied with their current environment, drastically reducing their quality of life. Creating a home that promotes daily satisfaction and moments of joy is key for pursuing a happy life.

There are hundreds of things that can make you smile. From seeing a picture of a puppy to listening to a funny podcast during your commute, we all have those specific go-tos that add joy to our lives. It’s helpful to implement these happy habits where we spend the most time. Whether you add sunflowers to your counter or paint your wall a cheerful color, a restful house could be just a few small changes away. Start small by picking a few of these 15 daily tips for a happier home and see how they improve your day.

15 Daily Things To Do For A Happier Home

1. Make Your Bed

Your parents probably nagged you daily about making your bed throughout your childhood. Why do you have to make your bed if you just mess it up again the next night? Though it seems like a waste of time, the simple act of making your bed can increase productivity and boost happiness. If you ditched the habit once you reached adulthood, you may want to reinstate the chore in your routine. Making your bed takes no more than a few minutes and can set you up for success from the minute you wake up.

2. Don’t Let Dishes Pile Up

The sight of a mountain of dirty dishes in the sink after a long day can be a huge stressor. A full sink can take an hour or more to clean, and the bacteria that accumulates is unhealthy. The best way to avoid the build up is to rinse a dish as soon as you use it and stick it in the dishwasher. If you don’t have a dishwasher, wash the dishes by hand and set them on a drying rack. It might feel like a chore in the moment, but a clean kitchen is sure to boost your happiness and protect your family from sickness.

3. Keep Surfaces Clutter Free

Too much stuff can be one of the biggest sources of stress for people who live in a cluttered home. Your home should be a peaceful place for you to retreat to every day. If your home is filled with excess stuff, it’s harder to recharge. One of the easiest ways to keep your home tidy is to get into the habit of keeping surfaces clean. Though it’s tempting to throw your mail and keys on the table, put those things in designated spots and you won’t have to pick them up later.

15 Daily Things To Do For A Happier Home

4. Return Your Room to Its Normal State

One of the best practices to get into is putting a room back to normal before you leave it. If you do your makeup in the bathroom, make sure that all of your products are put back into their places before you leave. This practice can be difficult to make a habit but the happy feeling you get when you enter a clean room is worth the extra effort.

5. Create a Gratitude Wall

Taking time out of your day to focus on what you’re grateful for can dramatically increase your happiness. To get into the habit of focusing on this, create a gratitude wall where you list a few things every day. Whether you list your health, your job or even a good cup of coffee, bringing attention to the good things in your life is so important. Your gratitude wall could be a chalkboard in the hall or even a whiteboard on the refrigerator. Try doing this activity as family to teach your children to be grateful as they grow up.

6. Do Favors for Your Housemates

Helping others makes you happy. Try washing the dishes for your roommate or folding the laundry for your spouse. Not only will your house be tidier, your actions will make your housemate’s day.

15 Daily Things To Do For A Happier Home

7. Talk to People

Talking to someone who knows you well has been proven to reduce stress. Make sure to set aside time to sit down and talk with your housemate, partner or close friend, and invite friends and family to join you for dinner a few times per week. Chat about work, hobbies or whatever else is on your mind. The company and conversation will be an uplifting end to the day.

8. Decorate with Photos

Identify the memories that make you happy and display them on your wall. Put up your wedding photos, pictures of your grandparents and your kids’ first day of school shots. When you walk by those photos, you’ll remember how happy that moment was and it will surely brighten your day.

9. Meditate

Meditating is a great way to refocus every day. To meditate, set aside some time where you can sit in a quiet part of your home and focus on your breath. By taking a few minutes and stepping out of your thoughts and emotions, you can reduce stress and anxiety, making you a happier person.

15 Daily Things To Do For A Happier Home

10. Add Some Natural Elements

House plants are not only beautiful, but they also help reduce toxins in the air, boost your mood and improve productivity. If you don’t want the commitment of a houseplant, try adding a bouquet of sunflowers to your counter for an instant mood boost. Greenery makes an excellent addition to any room. Try incorporating plants in your bedroom for better sleep!

11. Make a Zen Space

If your house is busy all the time, you could benefit from creating a designated space for unwinding. The best way to create your personal zen den is to pick a spot that’s comfortable — it could be a small corner or a spare room. Decorate your space with cozy items that make you happy, like pillows and candles. Set aside time every day to go to your zen den and meditate, practice yoga or read. These moments will help you start your day on a positive note.

12. Show Your Personality

It’s empowering to express yourself, and home decor is one of the best ways to do it. Sit down and make a list of everything that makes you happy. Take a look at your list and incorporate those things into your home. Whether it’s paintings of mountains or the color orange, placing things around your house that reflect your personality will make you happier to live in the space.

15 Daily Things To Do For A Happier Home

13. Let the Light In

The brightness and color of light directly affects mood. Blue light can increase productivity, bright light can heighten emotions and natural light can boost happiness. Unless you build or renovate your home, you don’t have much control over the amount of natural light that comes in — if you live in a dark space, add lamps and dimmers to boost the brightness.

14. Choose Mood Boosting Colors

The colors in your home can directly affect your mood. The best way to optimize your space for positivity is to choose what specific mood you want to create, and paint your walls accordingly. Paint the walls yellow for an energizing feel, try blue for a calming space and use green for comfort. If you would like to keep your walls neutral, choose colorful pillows and accent furniture for a similar effect.

15. Fill With Fragrance

Smell is the sense that is most closely related to memory. Have you ever smelled a perfume that reminded you of someone? Try filling your home with fragrances that remind you of good memories. Whether you light cinnamon candles to remind you of Christmas or diffuse essential oils to remind you of your childhood friend’s house, filling your home with pleasant fragrances is sure to lift your spirits.

15 Daily Things To Do For A Happier Home

Which happy home habits are you going to try today? Whether you can’t wait to fill your home with fresh flowers or de-clutter your shelves, creating a happy home is just a few changes away. If you already love your happy home, make someone else’s day by sending them sunflowers.


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