January Birth Flower: Carnation

January Birth Flower: Carnation

The carnation is the January birth flower. The carnation is one of the most charming flowers known for its ruffled petals and wide array of colors. They have a delicate clove-like scent and are known for their long-lasting flowers which makes a bouquet of carnations even more appealing.

Carnations have been around for centuries, even dating back to Ancient Rome when they were used in art and decor. Its scientific name is Dianthus caryphyllus, where dianthus means “flower of the gods” in Greek. It is believed that the common name for the January birth flower was derived from the word “coronation.” Today, the carnation has retained its appeal to this day and has become one of the most popular flowers in the world.

Carnation Meanings and Symbolism

January Birth Flower: Carnation

It is believed that the first carnation bloomed when Mary’s tears hit the earth as she wept for Jesus when he carried his cross. In a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci, Mary is depicted alongside a pink carnation, which has become a symbol of motherly love. Since the 20th century, the carnation has become a favorite flower for Mother’s Day.

Due to their playful and charming qualities, other carnation meanings include fascination, distinction, and love. As with most flowers, different colored carnations have different meanings.

  • Light red carnations symbolize admiration

  • Dark red carnations symbolize deep love and affection

  • White carnations symbolize purity and luck

  • Pink carnations symbolize gratitude

January Birthstone

January Birth Flower: Carnation

Garnet is the official birthstone for January. The name garnet is derived from the Latin word “granate” meaning seed, due to its resemblance to a dark red pomegranate seed. The garnet is a symbol of regeneration and vitality and is known for being protective against evil spirits. Garnet gemstones can also be used for manifestation and turning one’s dreams into a reality and are useful for advancing one’s own career, or for creating inspiration and breeding creativity. Garnet also has powerful emotional healing properties, including increasing commitment, hope, and relieving depression.

January Zodiac Horoscope

January Birth Flower: Carnation

According to the zodiac horoscope, Capricorn and Aquarius are associated with the month of January.

Capricorns are characterized as responsible, ambitious, and disciplined. They have a good grasp of self-control and are known for being good managers. Due to their strict discipline, they may think that they know everything and may come off as being condescending. They are known for being leaders in business, yet can also be stubborn. Capricorns born in January are born from January 1st to January 19th.

Aquarius traits include being independent, humanitarian, and original. They are known for being highly intelligent and constantly require mental stimulation or else they can get easily bored. They are good at problem-solving and always strive to help others while adapting easily to the energy around them. Despite these strengths, their weaknesses include being uncompromising or aloof. Aquarians are born naturally shy, which can make them seem cold or insensitive. However, once they feel that they can trust those around them, their energy will shine through. Aquarians born in January are born from January 20 to January 31st.

Famous January Birthdays

  • Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, January 17, 1964

  • Stephen Hawking, world-renowned theoretical physicist, January 8, 1942

  • Alicia Keys, Grammy award-winning artist, January 25, 1981

  • David Bowie, legendary pop singer, and songwriter, January 8, 1947

  • Kate Moss, supermodel, January 16, 1974

Do you have a January birthday, or know someone that does? From beautiful bouquets to gourmet birthday treats, check out our selection of truly thoughtful birthday gifts!

January Birth Flower: Carnation

Learn more about birth flowers by month.


www.proflowers.com  |  www.whatsmybirthflower.com  | www.meanings.crystalsandjewelry.com  |  www.astrology-zodiac-signs.com 12  | www.thefamouspeople.com
