Sunflower Wedding Bouquets To Brighten Up Your Big Day


One of the most important decisions in a wedding is deciding which flowers you should include. The blooms you choose will be sprinkled throughout your big day, from the bridal bouquet to the table decor. They should match your theme and wedding colors while still showing off your style.

A fun way to brighten up your bouquet is by adding sunflowers. Sunflower bouquets come in every shape and size. There are simple, rustic options that feature sunflowers and daisies, or classic sunflower and rose bouquets from which to choose. Regardless of what you pick, the brilliant hues will be a striking contrast to your white wedding dress.

Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty and strength, which are all attributes that you’ll want to embrace the day of your wedding and for years to come. Including them in your wedding bouquet will be a meaningful touch that won’t go unnoticed. Browse through our sunflower wedding bouquets to find the perfect one that matches your vision.


Photo by: The Youngrens

If you are highlighting tones of violet, blush or apricot as your wedding colors, this vibrant sunflower wedding bouquet is your answer. Keep the rest of your decor neutral and this bouquet will be sure to pop. The color pallet in this bouquet will also allow a variety of options for your bridesmaids’ dresses.

Featured florals:

  • Sea Holly – Sea holly is unique in color and in texture. It features a cone shape with tiny flowers and leaves that spike out from its base. Sea holly plants are tolerant of harsh conditions, so they can be found in many climates.

  • Astilbe – Astilbe is a summer flower that has tall and feathery blooms. This flower can be used as a filler or sprinkled throughout the bouquet. Its blush color will match most pink-toned color schemes.

  • Freesia – Native to South Africa, the Freesia flower is often used in wedding bouquets because of its long-lasting nature. It also comes in a variety of colors. Match a purple freesia with the violet sea holly or create a bright contrast with an orange hue.


Photo by: Heyn Photography

For a simple sunflower bouquet, create a base of greenery and let the sunflower be the star of the show. Add in one or two other vibrantly-colored flowers that have a unique texture to create dimension. If you are drawn towards deep fuschias, this bouquet is perfect for you.

Featured florals:

  • Dahlia – The dahlia is a summer flower that grows in a rainbow of colors. The blooms vary in size from two inches to ten inches. These medium-sized fuchsia dahlias are the perfect contrast for a bold sunflower.

  • Gerbera Daisy – Sunflowers and daisies are a popular choice when it comes to simple bouquets. The gerbera daisy is known for its cheery coloring and variety of colors. These flowers are bred for their distinct shape and unique coloring, so you’ll be sure to find the right fit for your bouquet.

  • Hypericum Berries –Hypericum berries are commonly seen in bridal bouquets and boutonnieres due to their versatility. The berry varieties come in both red and green hues. The green blends perfectly with the filler greenery, while still adding a unique touch.


Photo by: Aesthetic Life Studio 

An elegant way to display sunflowers in your bouquet is by including roses by their side. This modern take on a sunflower and rose bouquet has an eclectic collection of blooms that will be sure to stand out.

Featured florals:

  • Rose – Roses are known as the flowers of love and romance. Many choose to include pink roses in their bouquet because they symbolize gratitude, grace, admiration and joy. Although we are accustomed to seeing tea roses, there are many types of roses to choose from, depending on your style.

  • Green Button Pom – The button pom is in season year-round, making it a good choice for a filler flower. Button poms are also known by their botanical name of Chrysanthemum. They come in a variety of colors such as white, purple, yellow and green.

  • Amaranthus – Also known as the flaming fountain, amaranthus has a distinct color and shape that sets it apart. Its tiny maroon flowers cascade downward in a beautiful display. When dried, amaranthus turns a golden amber color.


Photo by: She-N-He Photography 

A wedding shouldn’t be a solemn or tense affair. Keep the mood light with a colorful and playful bouquet. Pops of violet purple, periwinkle blue and honey yellow will remind you of the bright future you have ahead of you.

Featured florals:

  • Delphinium – Delphinium flowers grow in clusters on tall stems and are recognized by their brilliant blue color. They are a summer bloom, the blue and purple hues coming to life as soon a the weather starts warming up. This flower is the perfect “something blue” for your summer wedding bouquet.

  • Globe Amaranth – Globe amaranth is a flower that blooms from early summer into the fall. Its petals are stacked in an oval shape. The globe amaranth can grow from six to 12 inches tall and is easily cut for bouquets.

  • Teddy Bear Sunflower – Why not pair your traditional sunflower with a bloom in the same family? The teddy bear sunflower has a smaller green center and hundreds of yellow and orange-hued little petals.


Photo by: Olivia Rae Photography

Now that you’ve found your Prince Charming, it’s time to celebrate your love with a wedding fit for a princess. This charming and feminine bouquet will highlight your softer side, while still including vibrant colors.

Featured florals:

  • Zinnia – Zinnia flowers have a long stem, making them ideal for vases and bouquets. They come in every color except blue and add stunning texture to a bouquet with their layered petals. This pink variety contains tiny yellow flowers at its center that match the yellow of the sunflower.

  • Billy Button –Compliment the featured sunflowers by including other, smaller yellow blooms. Billy buttons have a spherical shape and bloom year-round. Their availability and decorative nature make them a popular choice for floral arrangements.

  • Scabiosa – Scabiosa, also known as pincushions, come in soft purples and whites. They have dainty petals and a center that resembles a pin cushion. This delicate bloom is a good neutral color to add to your bouquet.


Photo by: Rockhill Photography

For a rustic and down-to-earth backyard wedding, create a bouquet of hand-picked blooms. Make the sunflower the centerpiece by surrounding it with other textured, darker blooms. This refined wildflower bouquet will depict the color and wild nature of your love.

Featured florals:

  • Bleeding Heart – This spring-blooming flower is known for its unmistakable shape. Its bloom depicts a heart with a drop of blood falling from it. This pink flower, meaning romantic love, will add height and character to your bouquet.

  • Allium – Allium, or the ornamental onion, produces a bulb-shaped flower. Depending on the variety, it produces purple, blue or white flowers in late spring into early summer. The medium-sized blooms add to the bouquet without taking the spotlight from the sunflower.

  • Spray Rose –Spray roses are known for their shorter stems, so it’s suggested to just sprinkle a few throughout the bouquet, rather than making them the focal point. Spray roses have smaller blooms than other rose varieties, but including a bright color like a burnt orange will ensure that it won’t get hidden among the other, larger blooms.


Inspired to include sunflowers into your wedding bouquet? Check out our sunflower bouquet selection to find the perfect match for your occasion.


Gardening Know How I The Old Farmers Almanac I California State Floral Association I The Flower Expert I Better Homes & Gardens I The Gardening Cook I Chicago Botanic Garden I The Spruce
