Express Gratitude: 62 Unique Ways to Thank Your Mom


When we were little, we didn’t realize all the day-to-day things, large and small, that our moms did for us. They fed us, comforted us, gave us advice, taught us endless lessons, and made sure that we were always taken care of. Growing up, we probably never said “thank you mom” enough.

As Mother’s Day approaches, thanking our moms is top of mind. There are many ways to show gratitude — from getting her a thoughtful gift to sending a message to your mom. To give you some ideas about how you can show appreciation for your mom, we’ve created a list of 62 ways to say “thank you mom.” It includes nice things to say to your mom and ways you can spend quality time together, plus images to share with her to show her just how much she means to you.

  1. Be her chauffeur for a day for all those times she drove you

  2. Cook her favorite meal for all those meals she fed you

  3. Listen to her problems for all those times she listened to yours

  4. Show others respect to show her she raised you right

  5. Take care of her when she’s sick for all those times she took care of you

  6. Support her hobbies, even if you don’t enjoy them yourself

  7. Throw a get together for her and her friends for all the times she hosted yours

  8. Be patient with her for all those times she showed you patience

  9. Never give up to show her she taught you how to work hard

  10. Clean her house for all the times she cleaned up after you.


  11. Go visit her to show you value her company

  12. Encourage her to follow her dreams for all the times she supported yours

  13. Treat her to a relaxing spa day for all those times you stressed her out

  14. Comfort her when she’s upset for all the times she comforted you

  15. Carry on her family traditions to show her how much they mean to you

  16. Send her flowers to let her know that you’re thinking about her

  17. Put others first to show her she taught you selflessness

  18. Write her a letter so she can constantly be reminded of how much you appreciate her

  19. Send her photos of you doing things she taught you to show her you listened

  20. Make her laugh for all those times she cheered you up


  21. Ask her questions and take her advice to show that you value her opinion

  22. Remind her you love her and acknowledge the unconditional love she’s shown you

  23. Send her inspirational messages for all the times she inspired you

  24. Bring your whole family together to show her you value family time

  25. Bake her her favorite dessert because she’s always so sweet

  26. Make her a recipe book with all of her favorite dishes in it for all of the delicious things she made for you

  27. Spend time doing what she wants for the endless hours she spent on you

  28. Be a good host when she visits for all the time you spent under her roof

  29. Make her a playlist of all the songs you like to sing along together

  30. Run her errands for her for all the times she ran yours


  31. Buy her a gift that she’s been talking about buying herself forever to show her how much she deserves it

  32. Give her your favorite picture of you two as a daily reminder of how much you love her

  33. Create a memory jar to remind her of all your favorite moments together

  34. Take her to her appointments for all the times she took you to yours

  35. Compliment instead of criticize for all the times she built your self esteem

  36. Take her on a mother-daughter trip for all the fun vacations she took you on

  37. Recreate your favorite childhood snapshots to show her you’re still her little girl/boy

  38. Give her a hug for all those times she embraced you

  39. Take her to a sporting event so you can cheer on her favorite team together

  40. Leave surprises around her house as spontaneous reminders of how much you care


  41. Turn off your phone for the day to show her she has your undivided attention

  42. Take her shopping for all those hours she spent with you at the mall

  43. Gather a list of all the things you, friends, and family members appreciate about your mom to show her she is loved

  44. Take her out to dinner to give her a break from cooking

  45. Ask her to tell her stories from her childhood to show her you’re interested in her life experience

  46. Teach her something new for all the things she taught you

  47. Sign up to take spin classes together to keep each other healthy

  48. Host a family board game night for old times sake

  49. Give her a book filled with all the best advice she’s ever given you, because she probably needs to hear it too

  50. Take her out for coffee for all those times you tired her out


  51. Give her a back rub to help her de-stress

  52. Watch your favorite superhero movie together and remind her she’s your hero

  53. Volunteer together to remind her that she taught you to be giving

  54. Go on an outdoor adventure to show her she taught you to respect nature

  55. Apologize for all those times you made her life difficult when she was trying to help you

  56. Take her to the theatre for all those school plays that she watched

  57. Have a mother-daughter photoshoot to capture your special bond

  58. Go to the farmer’s market together to show her she taught you how to value quality food

  59. Let her know you always have her back because she always has yours

  60. Create a piece of art for her for all of the times she inspired you

  61. Take her somewhere she’s never been to introduce her to something new

  62. Tell her that she’s the best mom in the world, because she is

