The Best Flowers to Match Your Enneagram + Combos to Help You Grow

The Best Flowers to Match Your Enneagram + Combos to Help You Grow

Between horoscopes, types of love, and Myers-Briggs there are so many ways to discover your true self and understand why you feel compelled to make certain decisions! One of the latest trends in personality testing, is the Enneagram of Personality, or simply the Enneagram.

The Enneagram’s circle model represents points that interconnect between nine types. From dictating their workouts, choosing a soul-mate or boosting their mood, people are now using Enneagrams to dictate decisions in life and make sense of their actions. And while no personality test should make or break your lifestyle, it’s always fun to try new ways to think about your day to day choices.

So What is the Enneagram + Where Did it Come From?

So What is the Enneagram + Where Did it Come From?

The Enneagram is said to “help people see themselves at a deeper, more objective level and can be of invaluable assistance on their path to self-knowledge”. It was developed by the Enneagram Institute in 1997 by the late Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson. The Institute was formed to further research and develop the model and is said to be one of the most powerful and insightful tools for understanding ourselves and others. Have we intrigued you? Take the quiz to find out what personality type you embody or read through and guess based on our summary of traits below!

Meet the 9 Personality Types

On introduction to the nine personality types interconnected within the Enneagram, keep in mind that individuals can possess a combination of several personalities, and we may see a little bit of each within ourselves.  That being said we are born with one dominant type and these traits and characteristics guide us as we move through the world. Your type can also tell you how you interact with others whether they be personal relationships, co-workers or a stranger you pass on the street. We break down the different parts of your dominant type below:


  • Grower (Integration): The personality type that helps, challenges and supports you. You naturally move towards this type within the Enneagram model.

  • Stressor (Disintegration): The personality type that limits and restricts you. You move away from this type within the Enneagram model.


In celebration of spring, we challenge you to “grow” and move your life in a healthy direction using your Enneagram to bring positive people into your life. By surrounding yourself with those who compliment your traits you are more likely to feel rejuvenated, be more positive and enjoy the gifts you have! For some floral fun we have also shared the type of flower that matches your Enneagram personality type. Gift yourself or someone you love a bouquet of these flowers and place them somewhere you will notice often like your desk or on your bedside table to inspire a happier home. We hope this exercise will inspire you to “keep growing” and remember the positive traits about yourself and others who support you.

Read on for all the Enneagram personality types and flower combos to help you grow!

Type 1: The Reformer

Type 1: The Reformer

The first type is known as the Reformer. Reformers or “ones” are principled, purposeful, self-controlled and are known to be perfectionists. They are conscious and ethical, have high standards and always strive for success.

Matching Flower: Aster

The perfect flower match for Reformers are Asters. Asters represent wisdom and devotion making them a complimentary bloom to the level of excellence Reformers strive for.

Basic Fears and Desires: At their best they are wise, discerning and noble and their basic desire is to have integrity and be balanced. Their basic fear is becoming corrupt, evil or defective and they are often motivated by wanting to be right, striving higher in careers or personal goals and to justify themselves.

Grower: Type 7 – The Enthusiast

Tip to help you grow: Reformers have a great “sense of mission” however don’t stop and smell the roses often enough. Learn to relax and patience will become your virtue.

  • Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique: Practice breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds.

  • Connect with nature: Spend a few minutes in nature like going for a short walk or sitting under a tree.

Type 2: The Helper

Type 2: The Helper

Helper’s are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are often generous, helpful and enjoy pleasing others. Their actions are well-meaning and they often do things that are self-sacrificing.

Matching Flower: Sunflower

Sunflowers represent adoration and loyalty. Like the empathetic Helper, these cheery flowers symbolize unconditional love and a selfless spirit.

Basic Fears and Desires: At their best type twos are unselfish and altruistic and their basic desire is to be loved in return. Their basic fear is being unwanted and unworthy of others so they are motivated by feeling needed and getting others to respond favorably to them.

Grower: Type 4 – The Individualist

Tip to help you grow: Since Helper’s are so focused on serving others they often forget to address their own needs. Take care of yourself first so you are able to show your love to others.

  • Have a self-care day: Turn your phone off and spend time with you.

  • Prioritize your to-do list: Don’t let others dictate your agenda. Rather identify what you need to do to be successful.

Type 3: The Achiever

Type 3: The Achiever

Threes are self-assured, attractive and charming. They tend to be ambitious, energetic and are natural born leaders. Achievers are commonly dominant roles and enjoy the attention of others.

Matching Flower: Tulip

Tulips represent beauty and confidence, two traits that the Achiever embodies.

Basic Fears and Desires: At their best, they are authentic role models who inspire others. Their basic desire is to feel valuable and worthwhile. Their basic fear is being deemed worthless which can motivate them to please others.

Grower: Type 6 – The Loyalist

Tip to help you grow: Be authentic and try not to impress others as much. Be honest with your thoughts and feelings and earn the respect of others.

  • Talk to a friend: Share with a confidant how you are feeling about a difficult situation.

  • Focus on listening: When speaking with someone focus on what they are saying rather than how you will respond.

Type 4: The Individualist

Type 4: The Individualist

Individualists are emotionally honest, self-aware and creative. At times they can be moody and sensitive but are also introspective.

Matching Flower: Hydrangea

Hydrangeas represent emotion and understanding which is a perfect match for the at times emotional and vulnerable Individualist.

Basic Fears and Desires: At their best, they are very creative and are able to renew themselves and have the ability to transform an experience. Their basic desire is to make a significant impact on the world and their basic fear is losing their identity.

Grower: Type 1 – The Reformer

Tip to help you grow: Don’t let fear or your mood dictate your experiences. Remember to practice positive self-esteem to make experiences more enjoyable.

  • Sign up for something new: Coordinate a class or experience with a group of friends you trust.

  • Get to know a workplace stranger: Ask someone to grab a coffee or pick their brain at the water cooler.

Type 5: The Investigator

Type 5: The Investigator

Investigators are perceptive, innovative and secretive. They can become preoccupied with their thoughts and come off as intense.

Matching Flower: Peony

Peonies represent romance and prosperity and make a great match with the Investigator because they both represent day dreamers.

Basic Fears and Desires: At their best, they are ahead of their time and very innovative.  Their basic desire is coming across as competent and their basic fear is being useless.

Grower: Type 8 – The Challenger

Tip to help you grow: Don’t spend all your time with your head in the clouds. Be sure not to lose contact with people in your life who bring you joy.

  • Write a letter: Tell someone who you cherish how much they mean to you.

  • Make time for relationships: Invite a friend to join you the next time you run an errand.

Type 6: The Loyalist

Type 6: The Loyalist

The Loyalist is engaging, responsible, anxious and suspicious. They tend to have issues with self-assurance and insecurity but excel at foreseeing issues or challenges.

Matching Flower: Daisy

Daisies represent innocence and purity which represents the Loyalist well as they tend to be overly cautious and indecisive.

Basic Fears and Desires: At their best, they are self-reliant and own their tasks. Their basic desire is feeling secure and supported and their basic fear is being without guidance

Grower: Type 9 – The Peacemaker

Tip to help you grow: Own your anxiety and find creative ways to use it as a catalyst.

  • Go out of your comfort zone: Do something you’ve never done before or order a new food.

  • Keep a gratitude journal: Keeping a list of all of the gifts in your life will help you appreciate them when you are anxious.

Type 7: The Enthusiast

Type 7: The Enthusiast

The Enthusiast is spontaneous, versatile and scattered. They are often high-spirited and very playful which can come across somewhat child-like.

Matching Flower: Orchid

Orchids represent admiration of life and innocence.This flower speaks well to the naivety Enthusiasts can have.

Basic Fears and Desires: At their best, they focus their talents on being happy and appreciated. Their basic desire is feeling satisfied and their basic fear is being unhappy.

Grower: Type 5 – The Investigator

Tip to help you grow: Learn to recognize your impulses rather than giving into them. This will help you judge which ones to act on.

  • Console a friend: Ask someone you trust their opinion before you act on impulse.

  • Take 3 deep breaths: Breathing can help your mind settle and allow you to gather your thoughts.

Type 8: The Challenger

Type 8: The Challenger

The Challenger is powerful, dominating and self-confident. They can be confrontational at times but are straightforward and often inspiring.

Matching Flower: Gladiolus

The gladiolus symbolizes strength and integrity, both two characteristics of the Challenger personality type.

Basic Fears and Desires: At their best, they use their strength to improve others lives. Their basic desire is to be in control and their basic fear is to be controlled by others.

Grower: Type 2 – The Helper

Tip to help you grow: Your real power is to inspire and motivate others not intimidate them. Lend a hand and show how you care for others rather than displaying your power over them.

  • Use spare time to volunteer: Lend a helping hand and feel great about your efforts.

  • Find a healthy outlet: Join a gym or running club and get extra energy out.

Type 9: The Peacemaker

Type 9: The Peacemaker

The Peacemaker is receptive, reassuring, agreeable and complacent. They are trusting, supporting and often go along with others to maintain peace.

Matching Flower: Lilac

Lilacs represent tranquility which makes them the perfect flower for the Peacemaker personality type.

Basic Fears and Desires: At their best, they bring people together and heal conflict. Their basic desire is to have inner peace and their basic fear is to lose someone they love.

Grower: Type 3 – The Achiever

Tip to help you grow: While going with the flow is a great quality, satisfying yourself by sufficing your wants and needs is important.

  • Keep a dream journal: Prioritize yourself by making time to jot down your thoughts.

  • Visualize your calm: Sit in a quiet and safe place and think about a place where you feel most calm.

Bouquets to Help You Grow

Now that you are familiar with your Enneagram type combine a beautiful bouquet of you and your growers flowers to symbolize support and friendship. You may be surprised to see who in your life is your complimentary type nevertheless, cherish the bond you’ve built together. Show your appreciation by spending time together in nature this spring and continue your path of self-discovery together!


Whatever type you are, use this exercise to think about who helps you grow and all they have done for you. Say thank you by gifting a bouquet of their favorite flowers or a gift unique to them. Whatever you do, use this exercise to get to know yourself better and appreciate those around you! Happy spring!
